Family Law
how can we help guide you?The world of Family Law is complex, wrought with misconceptions, and the cases often involve highly emotional subject matter. At Arsenault Law, we take the responsibility of representing you in your Family Law matter personally.
If you are considering or currently involved in any of the following matters, contact our office today to speak with an attorney:
Deciding to file for Divorce, or realizing your spouse has filed, is a difficult and life-altering experience for families as a whole. Each Divorce involves a set of circumstances and facts which are entirely unique to that client and their family. Unfortunately, parties often spend significant amounts of time and resources on matters that are ultimately of no real consequence to the outcome of the case.
At Arsenault Law, we will zealously advocate for the outcome most equitable for you and your family, help you understand the law that applies to your case, and be in regular communication with you throughout the process. Attorney Arsenault has successfully represented clients in Divorce matters before the Courts of Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Counties.
joint Petitions for Divorce
Did you know that not all divorces are knockdown, drag out fights? Some married couples simply fall out of love or grow apart and decide that it is time to go their separate ways. In those circumstances, Divorce can be achieved in an efficient and highly cost-effective manner. The laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts allow for the filing of what is known as Joint Petition for Divorce.
Through this process, the parties jointly file for divorce and work cooperatively to reach a Separation Agreement which they then present to the Court for approval and incorporation into a Judgment of Divorce.
At Arsenault Law, LLC, we represent parties to a Joint Petition and provide them advice as it relates to the dissolution of their marriage the division of the marital estate, any issues with Child or Spousal Support, Parenting Plans, including drafting or reviewing Separation Agreements.
Contact our office to discuss the options for representation if you and your spouse are considering a Joint Petition.
Whether you are a seeking to become guardian of a child or family member in need, or you are seeking the removal of a guardian currently in place, the attorneys at Arsenault Law understand the intense emotions often involved in Guardianship matters.
We utilize our knowledge of the law and understanding of people to zealously advocate for the person subject to the guardianship to be placed in the care of those who truly have their best interest in mind.
We assist clients with modifying existing Court Orders or defending against attempts to Modify a Court Order which they are subject to.
The legal standard for a modification is the occurrence of a “material change in circumstance.” When such a change occurs, a party must file a Complaint for Modification to revise, replace, or reword the language of an existing Order such that the Order is readily able to be abided by.
Contact our office today to speak with an attorney about your options for Modifying Court Orders and/or Judgments.